
Showing posts from November, 2020

The Memory Project - Majoba

  Majoba Letter to Mojoba; from Tommy My artwork is of a girl from Afghanistan. I created this artwork by going into adobe photoshop and placing the original image as the background. After, I used the mixer brush tool to do the most of the image with plenty of layers. I put a lot of effort on this artwork because the story behind this project is one that I the cared for. A program reached out to my school (alongside a bunch of other schools) to ask us to make portraits of children from Afghanistan that had no parents and no photos of themselves so they wanted us to make something that they would really love. I wanted this piece to be special so I decided to try and make a replica to the original only using a mixer brush tool.  My overall thoughts on this piece is that it's very beautiful and that I really like the way it came out.

TinkerCAD Chess Pieces Project

These are chess piece designs made with only geometric shapes in tinkerCAD. When I was creating these pieces I begun with the horse (knight) and after I finished the horse (knight) I noticed that I wanted to take a more simplistic approach. When I was making these chess pieces I wanted to show simplicity in my work as I mentioned before. I think the finished products were overall good to my standards except for the horse (knight) piece, I kinda wish I re-did it.


This project was about placing images of my previous works took and implement them into a word of my choosing. I made the whole background out of the paint tool in photo shop and I also added extra effects throughout the whole piece. I actually really like this piece because of the environment I created with the paint tool and how well my subject fits. 

Overlay Project

This project was about making an image out of words of my choosing and applying a gradient to the subject. The goal was to make the image look like it was made out of words. The tools I used was overlay so I could get that image made out of words effect. I was mostly just having fun with this project especially since the subject was a friend of mine. That friend inspired me to complete and go the extra step in making this piece.

Ai Weiwei Poster

This project was about an artist of my choosing and I was suppose to make a poster about that artist. The goal was to make an informational newspaper like poster about the artist of my choosing. In this project I used a lot of transformations to make everything balance. I enjoyed making this project because I found this artist's to have an interesting backstory.

Fruit Face

This assignment was a quick and simple one but I still enjoyed making it. The task was to make a face/full body out of fruits and vegetables. Most of this project consisted of transformations. 

Lucid Dreams

This project was basically about a landscape but we were assigned to make it surreal so I put alien like creatures in with orbs around out representing the creature's spaceship; I added a spacewomen on the side just for fun. The goal was to make it look like a dream.  I used a lot of layers so I can get the background and in front effect. This is one of my first creative projects, I put a lot of effort into this and I had a lot of fun making it.

"Superhero Bird"

This  image is of a bird on a building looking down at everyone below. I chose this composition because I wanted the bird to look like a superhero or something like that. I like this image and think it was funny while I was trying to get the image. My subject matter is a bird on a building. I like the angle I used and how the bird looks like is walking to edge. The pigeon on the edge of a building is something that's, for some reason, always made me giggle...Idk why it just does.

Gallery: Flowers

(Original) (Extra) This photo is of flowers by a flower shop I took while walking down the streets of Brooklyn. I chose this composition because I wanted to frame the image with only the subject. My personal response to this image is that it looks really nice because of all the different colors. When looking at this photograph I hope the viewer can feel the same way I felt when I took it; calmness. I chose the subject(s) because they stood out in the location they were in so I tried to focus on that image alone. I especially like the variety of colors and how crowded it looks.

Gallery: Expressive Tree

This image is of a tree near a park. I chose this composition because it uses leading lines, viewpoint, and movement. What this image means or reminds me of is a forest. I chose this subject matter because I wanted to take different angles of the tree. What I like about the image is how the tree doesn't show a pattern and grows freely. 

Gallery: Tree in a Park

         This image is of a tree in the middle of the park. I chose this composition because it uses harmony, movement, balance, lighting, viewpoint, and leading lines. I like this image because it looks nice and stands out from my other images. I chose the subject matter because I wanted to see how the tree would look like in a different viewpoint besides straight ahead.

Gallery: Shapes and Colors Out of Light

This image is of a design in a fence taken by my school. I chose this composition because it uses light    and to create emphasis. I think this image is pretty cool because of the way light is being casted through the fence and making shapes with the light. I chose this subject because I wanted to test out how light would look like coming through such a small focus point. The composition in this image is one that I like  a lot.

Gallery: Light and Shadow

These images are of reference dolls for the human body. They were taken in my photography classroom. I chose this composition because it uses lighting and shadows to create form. The purpose of these images was to test lighting and shadows. I chose this subject matter because I wanted to see how it would look like with a different kind of background that I don't usually use. Overall I like the these images because it uses methods that I don't usually branch out to.

Gallery: Focus Points

    This image is off a plant beside a tree trunk, the image itself was taken beside a dog park. I choose this composition because it balances the plant with it's background with a low aperture setting. My personal response to the image is that it's kinda interesting because of the way it looks next to the tree trunk. I chose the subject because it stood out to me. What I liked about this photo is that the instant I saw this subject I knew I wanted to take a picture of it.

Digital Art: Chapter 15: 3D Printing with TinkerCAD: Chess Set

                My artwork is of a complete customized Chess Set. I created this artwork my using TinkerCAD and a 3D printer. The big idea behind this project was to create a original Chess Set and to test the 3D printer. My goals for this project was to create chess pieces that are really simple and easy to tell apart from. My overall thoughts on my artwork is that it came out just how I wanted except for the queen because even though it is very simple, I lost that constant theme of my pieces by then.

Chapter 10: Painting- Digital & Studio: Palette & Landscape Worksheet

  This is an assignment of the Mixer Brush Tool in photoshop. While doing this assignment I had to use a variety of brushes and pencils/markers plus the Mixer tool. I did this assignment to use it as sort of a guide of the Mixer brush tool. Since I did this assignment I can look back at it and see how the Mixer looks like and how it works.

Digital Art: Chapter 8: Vector Drawing Techniques

  This assignment is of a cup on a table with text on the top representing a brand. I made my artwork by first using the pen tool and then copying the inner and outer outline of the cup. Now that I had the outline I filled the shape and place on the top left with the text "Kailua Koffee"to it's right. After I added another shape on top of the original logo and to finish it off I just had to add some effects. My big idea behind this assignment is to learn how to use the pen tool and see what I can do with the tool. My goals for this assignment was to see if I was able to understand the pen tool. My overall thoughts for this assignment is that it came out well and i'm glad I learned how to use the pen tool because it varies my skills.

Chapter 7: Typographic Design

My artwork is of an assignment to create a magazine front. I created my art my going into photoshop and using various tools like the crop tool, text tool, pen tool etc. The big idea behind this piece is to see how well I am able to do typography design. My goals for this artwork was to recreate the assignment given to me well. My overall thoughts of my artwork is that it came out well which was my goal.

Chapter 6: Blur Gallery

  My artwork is of the variety of blur options that can be used. To create this piece I got an image from the internet, then I made 9 different documents and in each I used a different blur except the original. The purpose of this piece was just to have a reference of what most of the blur options look like. My goal was to see how different all the blurs look like and like as I said before; for future reference. My overall thoughts on this piece is that it will be very helpful when I am making an art piece and I would like to put a blur in the back or where ever.

Chapter 5: Quick Fixes: (worksheets 1-3: Red Eye/Train)

  My artwork is of images assigned to me and I had to make quick fixes to them.  I had to use a variety of tools like red eye tool etc. The purpose of this assignment was to learn new tools and how/when to use them. My goal was for this piece was to learn these tools and how to use them. I can now say that I know how and when to use these tools due to this assignment.

Chapter 4: Layer Basics: A Postcard

   My artwork is a card of Dominican Republic and it's meant to give the viewer an idea of what to expect of DR. To create my artwork I used images from the internet and different tools like Text Tool, Transformation, Effects, and Stroke. The big idea of my artwork was to attract the viewers attention and to make them feel as if they were in the art piece. My overall thoughts on this piece is that there places where I could improve especially in the areas of the images I used since they looked a little sloppy once I zoomed into them but I still like the overall layout.

Chapter 3: Working with Selections: Polygon Portrait

  This assignment is of a frame with different images, objects, and letters. To create this piece I went to photoshop and I cut out those objects and placed them based on a shadow outlining that was there before the fact. The purpose of this piece was just to practice  my skills with different tools in photoshop. My overall thoughts on this piece is that it came out well because it's hard to notice any flaws or shadows/outline. However, looking at it now I could have done better in some areas like the coral on the right side; you can see that it's not cut out properly.

Chapter 2: Basic Photo Corrections

Before   After This image is of a family on a bridge looking to the distance. This image was an old photo that had many creeks and spots that needed fixing so I had to go to photoshop and use various tools like level and adjustments, patch tool, and crop tool. The focus of this image was mostly just to adjust and make it look clean as if it's brand new. My thoughts on this artwork is that it came out better than I expected and it actually looks like the photo is not in bad condition if told that it was taken so long ago.

Chapter 1: Getting to know the work area: Birthday Card

This assignment is meant to be a birthday card. The overall composition includes the rule of thirds and focus point. While creating my work I had to go in to photoshop and use text tool, images from the internet, and box tool.  My artwork expresses the ideas of a blossoming flower related to aging older. My goal for this artwork was to show the relations between one getting older and a flower blossoming.  My overall thoughts on this art piece it's that it came out exactly how I wanted it to.  

Digital Art: (ACA) Adobe Certified Associate in Visual Design using Photoshop CC 2015

  At Automotive High School I enrolled in the CTE (Career & Technical Education) Digital Art Program. As a culminating exam at the end of my coursework, I was eligible to take an (ACA) Adobe Certified Associate exam. In the Spring of 2019, I passed and obtained the certification in (ACA) Adobe Certified Associate in Visual Design using Photoshop CC 2015.